Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Parsons Wants Me

You are now reading the words of the newest administrative intern at Parsons Dance Company.

Perhaps you've heard of them since they are a world reknown company. Currently the dancers are on a world tour that began in Mexico (shout out to Billy Smith, GMU Alum '07).

Tomorrow is my first day and I couldn't be any happier!

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."
-Earl of Beaconsfield


Cooper Douglas said...

Congratulations on the internship Amber! Good luck on your first day. I guess we will have to go out on Friday to celebrate.

Unknown said...

Congratulations seester!!! You are an amazing girl with some fantastic talent that will bring you far. Along your journey know that I am here for you and am praying for your safety as well as huge success. You deserve it all and I hope I can make it to see you soon. I love you and am thinking about you. Always remember our tissues, as they will always be there in my place to dry your tears, whether happy or sad, and to wipe your ever-running nose lol. I miss you.
