Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Olympic Improvisation

I have now finished college at George Mason. It feels absolutely incredible to say that and I truly feel that I have accomplished something exceptional.

During the past semester, a few dancers and I suddenly decided that we felt like improvising by these beautiful statues that were temporarily on display at George Mason. After I showed the video to fellow graduate, Daniel Zook, he generously agreed to do some video editing and the following is our first video collaboration, "Olympic Improvisation."

I also have been checking in on the current dance department renovations. As scheduled, the department has begun replacing the flooring in three studios. Being the journalist that I am, I couldn't resist the urge to share these pictures with dance blog subscribers.
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This is the pile of lumber in the hallway.

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Studio A301

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Studio A305

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Studio A307

I for one am extremely excited about the renovations and cannot wait to see the finished product. More updates will be sure to follow.

Thank you to everyone who recently joined my blog groups on facebook and myspace. I intend to use these as a means of assembling performers for upcoming improvisations and video works, so stay tuned!

The full performance video of my finished choreography piece, "The World's Oyster."

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