Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dancing in a Crowd

review by Amber Connors

The struggle to find peace amidst chaos
BosmaDance’s, “Sky Kisses Earth”
Joe’s Movement Emporium, 4th Annual Gala, June 14, 2008
Meisha Bosma- Artistic Director/ Choreographer

What this second “Sky Kisses Earth” performance lacks in formalities of live music, it makes up for in the intimacy of space. Having witnessed the premier collaboration with Alexandria Symphony Orchestra in the Rachel Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center, I prefer the live music presentation. However, in the narrow confines of Joe’s Movement Emporium, raw emotions in facial expressions are more readable and comprehensible to the audience.

Seven dancers in brightly colored silk move clumsily; tripping bumping and chugging like crowded pedestrians. One at a time, a dancer removes them self from the bustling mass, to settle peacefully and calmly in a second position squat, breathing from the gut with an organic sway. In an awakening duet, dancer and choreographer Meisha Bosma catches her partner forcibly between her palms; placing one hand on her forehead, and the other on her partner’s jaw. By forcing her eyes to look out into space, Bosma was commanding her to see the reality of now. Her partner resists, stubbornly insisting on the role of empty vessel, eyes extended out beyond the manipulative hands, ignoring the efforts of Bosma.

Gallantly bounding onstage, dancer Daniel Zook plunges into action with an expressive solo comprised of engulfing leaps and swooping turns. His mustard-yellow silk dress trails after his body like a noble’s cape. At the climax, the seven dancers fall in sync with one another, lunging and diving in a colorful, clean moving unit, repeating the same gesture-laden phrase on each of the diagonal facings, until eventually settling peacefully on the floor.

BosmaDance’s next performance is at Dance Place on June 21 and 22. Details can be found on the Dance Place website.

Related Articles:
Review by Amber Connors of previous BosmaDance performance,

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